• October 19, 2015

    JATS-Con Asia in Tokyo

  • JATS-Con Asia Conference was great success!

    Thanks to seven prestigious speakers around the world and more than 60 audiences, the JATS-Con Asia Conference turned out to be truely fruitful meeting by exchanging experiences in using JATS XML, and by discussing how to take advantage of JATS in distributing scholarly publication worldwide. We thank everyone for your support. We will continue promoting JATS XML in Japan and Asian countries.


    Slides and video of the presentations are available at the Speaker Page.


    JATS-Con Asia Executive Committee
    Yasushi Ogasaka, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
    Soichi Tokizane, XML Scholarly Publishing Association (XSPA)

  • About

    Welcome to JATS-Con Asia Conference

    As publishing using XML is now widespread, the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), has become the international standard to code scholarly journal articles in the US and Europe, and increasingly in Asia, too.

    JATS-Con meeting was first held in 2010 at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), where the predecessor of JATS, NLM DTD, was born.  It has been held annually to discuss experiences and issues about JATS, and recently the Book Interchange Tag Suite (BITS).  Please visit its website to learn more about JATS-Con.

    As JATS enable us to tag non-European language texts in XML, we believe it is very timely and important now to discuss challenges and experiences in using XML and JATS among Asian countries.  JATS-Con Asia is fully endorsed by JATS-Con in the US.

    At JATS-Con Asia, we expect intensive discussion about how JATS is used to publish scholarly journal articles in XML, especially those in local languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
    From NISO JATS Standing Committee, Mr. Bruce Rosenblum (Inera, Inc.) will present a paper.  We expect speakers from Asian countries as well.  Those who are interested in scholarly publishing, do come and attend this important meeting!

  • Organizers

    Executive Committee


    JATS has become the international standard to code scholarly journal articles and J-STAGE, a platform operated by JST for publishing scholarly electronic journals in Japan, has also adopted JATS. As the usage of JATS is steadily increasing in Asia, JST would like to be actively involved in future establishment of standard with other Asian countries rather than leaving this to European and US countries.
    We hope JATS-Con Asia Meeting will mark an important first step toward development of standard.


    JATS enable publishers to create data for journal articles as well as book chapters.  New tools based on JATS have been available to help publishers and printing firms to copy-edit and proof articles easily, and publish articles more attractively.  We hope this conference will help JATS become more popular among scholarly publishers.

  • Program

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    09:45 Registration
    10:15 Opening Remarks
    -Soichi Tokizane, XML Scholarly Publishing Association (XSPA)


    10:30 Keynote Speaker 1 "Identifiers and Open Science"
    -Hideaki Takeda, National Institute of Informatics (Board of Directors, ORCID)

    Materials | Video

    11:15 Keynote Speaker 2 "JATS and Its Role in Scholarly Publishing"
    -Bruce Rosenblum, Inera Inc. (NISO JATS Standing Committee)

    Materials | Video

    12:00 Lunch

    General Session:
    13:45 Speaker 1 "Creating JATS XML from Japanese language articles and automatic typesetting using XSLT"
    -Hidehiko Nakanishi, Nakanishi Printing, Co. Ltd.

    Materials | Video

    14:15 Speaker 2 "Use of JATS data to compile a bibliographic database"
    -Toshinori Kurosawa, NPO Japan Medical Abstracts Society (JAMAS)

    Materials | Video

    14:45 Speaker 3 "Challenges in implementing a multi-lingual publishing workflow"
    -Chandi Perera, Typefi

    Materials | Video

    15:15 Coffee Break

    15:45 Speaker 4 "JATS for Korean medical journal databases: Synapse, KoreaMed and KoMCI"
    -Choon Shil Lee, Sookmyung Women's University

    Materials | Video

    16:15 Speaker 5 "Overview of J-STAGE and the next version"
    -Mikako Hibasami, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

    Materials | Video

    16:45 Closing Remarks
    -Yasushi Ogasaka, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)


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    "Identifiers and Open Science"
    -Hideaki Takeda

    National Institute of Informatics (Board of Directors, ORCID)


    Abstract: Openness is the becoming more crucial feature of science. Science is to be open because of healthiness of science itself and its public relationship. Openness in science is not only papers but also data now. Scholarly communication should adapt to the openness of papers and data in science. It is a long experience for openness of papers, i.e., open access of papers, but openness of data is relatively new and more challenging since data is diverse in contents and quantity and manifold in use. One of the key technology for sharing papers and data is identifier. Identifiers can remove ambiguity of digital objects and their attributions, realize smarter use of data, and make more linkages to other information. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the most successful identifiers in this area, which is now extending their target to data. Japan Link Center (JaLC) now starts the experimental use of DOI for data. The other identifier to be noted is ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier), which is designed and used for identifying researchers worldwide. Embedding these identifiers in metadata can make more suitable scholarly communication to openness of science.



  • Contact Us

    JATS-Con Asia Steering Committee

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